Mission Statement

The Point of Hope Community is a substance abuse recovery program of Father Beiting Appalachian Mission Center and an outreach ministry of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lexington, KY. Point of Hope is a Licensed Alcohol and Other Drug Entity (A.O.D.E.) Outpatient Treatment Center # 810378 with the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Human Services. The Point of Hope Community and Guardian Angels Emergency Housing Facility is under the direction of Dr. Donald R. Setser, Ph.D.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Greetings from Winter Wonderland Kentucky

This week once again has gone by all too fast at Point of Hope. Sorting of decorations is really now complete and we marveled as we kept digging into the treasure we had been left with by the volunteers from Thanksgiving. We had not realized the full extent of the gifts of Christmas lights, ornaments and various other Christmas décor that they had brought us till this week when we finally got to the bottom of the bins. For this and all we are given, thank you.
Tuesday and Wednesday were surprisingly busy.  Our main challenge during this very cold spell was to keep the trailers from deteriorating more because of the freezing cold.  A kind man had been in one of the days, and reminded us to be careful that the pipes did not freeze.  This had been an oversight on our part.  We immediately sprang into action checking everything out, but much to our dismay, many pipes had already frozen. This kept Dale busy throughout the week, repairing pipes and trying to ensure that more plumbing problems did not develop.
            God’s graces and blessings never cease for us who believe. This week, I was so grateful once again when help arrived. We welcomed a couple from Illinois with a van load of treasures for us. They are regular volunteers and a wonderful support for us here at Point of Hope.  Snow or blizzard will not stop them from following God’s call to service. They worked at the warehouse helping to prepare the Christmas distribution and at the rectory helping Father Beiting get their house ready for Christmas.  They spent Friday at Point of Hope helping me and reorganizing the administration office. It was a big and difficult job, but I think they thrive on the challenge. Often times to say a simple ‘thank you’ seems feeble for the gratitude I feel with the help and support that God sends us.  This couple became good friends to all of us working at Point of Hope and is very supportive in that regard as well. They make each of us feel so uniquely special.  
            During this Advent and as Christmas is drawing nearer, I have been remembering all of the people who are and have been so good to help us, help the people.  There is a special bond that develops, I think from my experience, between those who give and those who receive. There is a very kind Sister from Georgia who I hear from and remembers me every month.  It is a very special feeling to know that you are carried in the heart of that person even if you have never met.  She is gratefully in my heart and in my prayer.
Most of the volunteers and benefactors have become very good friends, friends who share their love and service for God.  The older I get, the more I realize that we are all in this together. I cannot work here if it were not for you.  You support us in so many different ways: those who pray for us and pray with us, those who physically take the time to come volunteer and work (from their own busy schedules), those who help us financially and last but not least, those who befriend us and become our source of emotional, spiritual, moral and psychological support.  I smile as I think of you princess, and you with whom I share Canadian stories with as we sing and dance waving farewell to people as they leave Sunday mass.  I remember good times and having simple fun.
If I do not get a chance to write before Christmas (though I shall try), I wish you all a very merry Christmas and blessings to you and all your loved ones.  May Jesus who has been born in you in baptism, continue to grow in your life so that it is ‘not you who lives but Jesus in you’.

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